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Evan H. Farr, Certified Elder Law Attorney
Lost Where To Turn When Parents Need Us Most
The Law Firm of Evan H. Farr, PC

Lost Where To Turn When Parents Need Us Most

Do you remember a time from your early childhood when you were momentarily separated from your parent or guardian in a crowded place? It sticks out for many of us, because of the immense feeling of helplessness we felt, even though it may have lasted for mere seconds.

Even worse than the child's distress is the desperation and heart-wrenching anguish of being the parent of the young child who has become momentarily lost.

But do you also remember that overwhelming sense of relief when you were finally reunited and you realized everything would be alright?

Perhaps the epitome of despair is feeling “lost.” Unfortunately, many of us feel this way when it comes to planning for our future long-term care needs, and this feeling of being lost is only amplified by the fact that, all-too-often, we are in the “sandwich” situation where we must consider our own retirement and care needs, as well as the needs of our children and our aging parents.

If you are feeling like a lost child or a lost parent again whether you are a retiree yourself or an adult child of an aging parent, with or without your own children a good elder law attorney can provide you with the sense of overwhelming relief you have been looking for.

You have surely heard of “estate planning,” but the field of elder law is much more involved than creating a will or a trust. An expert and trusted elder law attorney is who your family can turn to as the first and most important step in planning for the future. Don't spend another day feeling “lost” and don't allow your parent or adult child to feel that way, either. With educational seminars abounding, one need not look any further to find a guiding light, a friend, and an invaluable resource.

Never be ashamed when a familial paradigm shift takes place, because it is quite common. The most important thing to remember, however, is that time is of the essence.

The sooner you educate yourself and understand what must be done, the sooner you and your elder law attorney can implement the appropriate action plan. The feeling of being lost and helpless is often debilitating.

Find the right elder law attorney, and you will once again experience that overwhelming sense of relief that comes with the knowledge that everything will be alright.
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