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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Vikki Kalitsi
Elderly Loved Ones What can You do to help?
Visiting Angels Living Assistance

Elderly Loved Ones What can You do to help?

As they say, “The only two certainties in life are death and taxes.” Yet, we have been prolonging death for many years and taxes are, to some degree, avoidable. So, at least in my mind, the only true certain reality is time. Nothing we can do alters time. Second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, etc. after etc.; time keeps marching onward.

You may be one of those folks who deny that you set yourself any resolutions for the New Year. Perhaps you are one of those who gush with hundreds of resolutions? Or, maybe you're someone who lies in-between those two extremes. Personally, I think we all have New Year's Resolutions, whether we admit it or not. That belief in mind, here are some ideas for your list of resolutions for 2014

Read more.

Exercise more.

Eat healthy.

Spend more time with family and friends.

Volunteer more.

Play more.

Write your thoughts down more.

Get savvier about technology.

Walk your dog more.

Recycle more.

Conserve more.

For those in need, consider this the solution to your writer's block resolutions

During the holiday season, you may have had an opportunity to notice first hand changes in an elderly loved one. You may have noticed things that wouldn't necessarily be noticed over the telephone, such as their ability to manage independently at home, memory loss, mobility issues making them a fall risk, loss of weight or access to nutritious food, changes to their personal hygiene or confusion in taking prescription medications.

If there was a noticeable, concerning change in your elderly loved one, the next question which needs to be addressed is what can you do to help? How can you begin to accurately access their situation and address their needs to ensure that they remain safely and healthy at home?

The name of the game is understanding the situation as it stands and staying ahead of it by putting the necessary services in-place, which can help to prevent unexpected, avoidable health crises.

So, make those New Year's Resolutions and accomplish as many as possible during 2014. The only way to succeed and meet your goals is to plan for them. As it is said, “Plan your work and work your plan.”
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