Annandale Foot and Ankle Center
Annandale Foot and Ankle Center
7540 Little River Turnpike
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 750-1124
More Podiatry Foot Care Articles
Oh My Aching Feet Most Common Foot Conditions
The following are some of the more common foot problems podiatrists see. Most of the time, these conditions respond very well to conservative care.
Athlete's Foot
This is a common fungal infection of the skin of the feet. In the early stages, fluid blisters can occur on the soles, arches, sides and in-between the toes. The skin can be itchy and peel. These areas can become red, dry, scaly fissures. Secondary bacterial infections can occur if the fungus is not treated early.
A “big toe” bunion is an enlargement of the bone just behind the big toe. A “small toe” bunion is an enlargement of the bone behind the little toe.
Corns and Calluses
Corns are buildups of thickened skin that can occur on the top, the end or on the inside of toes. Calluses usually occur on areas of extreme friction and pressure, such as the ball of the foot.
Hammer Toes
These are contracted, or claw-like, toes that stick-up higher than normal. They can be painful and have corns on the top of or at the ends of them.
Heel and Arch Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
Pain under the inside part of the bottom of the heel and sometimes extending into the inside bottom of the arch is usually due to plantar fasciitis. This is especially painful in the morning. It is relieved by getting off of one's feet for awhile.
Sprains, strains, and fractures of the foot or ankle are usually associated with accidents or injuries. There is often swelling, discoloration, and pain when weight bearing.
Ingrown Nails
These occur when the side of a toenail (most often the big toenail) grows/cuts into the surrounding skin. The area becomes very sensitive to pressure. Continued pressure may cause redness, swelling, and eventually infection.
Morton's Neuromas
Occasionally one or more of the small nerves in the front of the foot gets pinched between two bones causing tingling, numbness and/or pain extending from the adjacent toes back into the front of the foot.
Thick or Discolored Nails
Thickened and/or discolored toenails are usually caused by a fungus infection. Though not as common, they can also be due to an injury.
Warts are caused by a virus and can occur on the top of a foot or toes but are most commonly located on the bottom of the foot.
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