Battlefield Foot and Ankle Center, PC
10620-B Crestwood Drive
Manassas, VA 20109
(703) 361-3668
More Podiatry Foot Care Articles
Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis
Heel pain is a common condition affecting adults and children. The most common cause of heel pain is the condition known as plantar fasciitis.
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot and connects the heel to the ball of the foot.
Many patients with heel pain and plantar fasciitis may have an associated bone spur (“heel spur”) on the bottom, or plantar aspect, of the heel. Heel spurs are calcium deposits commonly on the bottom of the heel resulting from inflammation and increased tension of the plantar fascia. A heel spur can be readily seen on an x-ray.
Causes of plantar fasciitis include lack of arch support, sudden increase in activity, improper shoegear, decreased flexibility in calf musculature, and pronation, abnormal biomechanics of gait. The most common symptom plantar fasciitis patients will notice is pain in the bottom of the heel when first awakening in the morning. This can also be found after periods of rest while relaxing in a chair for a period of time.
There are many different treatment options that a podiatrist can provide to relieve heel pain that is associated with plantar fasciitis. In the short term, many conservative treatments will help to decrease the pain of the inflammatory process. However, it is imperative to address the long-term solution for heel pain associated with plantar fasciitis.
It is often due to abnormal biomechanics of gait, such as pronation. Orthotics will help. These are prescription foot inserts that are custom fitted by a podiatric physician. They provide the proper arch support and help control abnormal gait patterns.
Keep in mind that your feet are your foundation. With any construction structure, it is imperative to have a good foundation. It is common that other joint pains, such as knee, hip, back and ankle, originate form abnormal biomechanics, such as pronation.
Orthotics will align the body into the proper position for a good foundation whereby the joints will function more efficiently. This also will allow the muscles and tendons of the body to perform at their maximum potential.
As a final note, I have addressed one of the most common conditions that is associated with heel pain plantar fasciitis. Please keep in mind that there are many other conditions that will result in heel pain. If you are experiencing heel pain, it is important to see your podiatrist for evaluation and treatment.
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