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The Everyday Consequences of Sustaining a TBI
Your Health Magazine

The Everyday Consequences of Sustaining a TBI

The Everyday Consequences of Sustaining a TBI

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) – an injury that can happen anytime and brings lots of misery into people’s lives. It has become a reality for millions of people around the world.

In other words, a TBI affects an individual’s world in unchangeable ways. Yes, the effects are enormous and affect all spheres of their life, as any catastrophic injury lawyer will surely tell anyone.

Here are five everyday consequences of sustaining a TBI.

1.   Memory Loss

Memory impairment is another effect of TBI, and it is very hard to accomplish even minor tasks. It makes a person unable to remember a single thing, including their name, family, or past.

Memory loss is a big problem, and recalling some of the events, knowledge, or even a familiar word seems like a never-ending struggle.

2.   Mood Swings

TBI can turn a patient with a gentle personality into one full of rage. Depression, aggressive behavior, and anxiety attacks can occur. Watching the reaction of the people and feeling their inability to assist in these cases can be disheartening.

The feelings can be as erratic as the ocean. It can be challenging to establish and maintain relationships or even achieve inner peace.

3.   Chronic Fatigue

TBI can make an aggressive and lively individual become half of the person they were before the accident.

Patients suffering from brain injury may experience chronic fatigue, which makes everyday activities as difficult as climbing a mountain. Basic tasks such as washing dishes, clothes, or even a shower become cumbersome, tiring, and require a lot of energy.

4.    Difficulty with Communication

TBI can disrupt a person’s speech and language, impairing their ability to use words, gestures, or even vocalization to try and communicate.

People might get irritated easily and feel awkward each time they start speaking. The inability to effectively communicate is a great cost, which imprisons the person into a harsh prison.

5.   Loss of Independence

The final bit of heartbreaking irony of TBI – losing your capacity to be self-reliant. A previously independent individual may develop the need for constant attention and support and stay dependent on other people’s help with the most basic tasks.

This loss of independence can be heartbreaking and reduces confidence. This makes the person feel worthless and empty and leads to more psychological problems.


Recovering from the effects of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is not easy. But that does not mean that it is an impossible task. Everyone should understand that despite the years of violence, a survivor needs to find a purpose in life and can do it with proper support and motivation.

You can gradually start moving toward independence. Do not hesitate to relish some minor successes every day. It is important to understand that recovery is a slow, time-consuming process, and it is crucial to be persistent.

If you or someone you know is a victim of a TBI, it is important to seek legal assistance. The expertise of a lawyer can help in winning fair compensation.
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