Hozho Behavioral Health & Life Coaching Services, PLLC
Hozho Behavioral Health and Life Coaching Services, PLLC
11903 Main Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
More Mental Health Articles
Mindfulness, Meditation and Depression
Life is filled with many stressors in this age of fast paced jobs and lives. Most people aren't focusing in on the here and now but rather, the past and future. By doing this, we are negating the beauty and joy we can find in the present. By re-running the past with regret, anger, or sadness, we often forget that our today is our future.
Depression is one manifestation of not addressing unresolved past issues which collide with our present act of living. Depression is a set of thoughts and behaviors which block your ability to be present in your everyday life through behaviors of avoidance, denial and obstruction.
Depression can be addressed with quick fixes such as anti-depressants and mood stabilizers however, all that does is diminish the symptomatic pain of depression without fixing the root cause of the symptoms.
The symptoms of depression is your mind and body telling you that “you need to, with intention, look at the reasons behind the feelings.” By not allowing yourself to “feel” your emotions, you are doing a disservice to your mind and body. By allowing yourself to embrace, accept and own the complicated feelings you have, you are honoring your mind-body connection and allowing it to lead you to a life filled with vitality, meaning and purpose.
Mindfulness means “our ability to pay attention to each moment of each day with an open mind of acceptance, hope and intrigue without judgment or preconception.” Mindfulness strategies are actions taken everyday to train your mind and body to honor your emotions, your physical state, your hopes, your dreams, your past, present and future.
Mindfulness when used with depressed persons has been seen to snap the person out of a state of rumination, lack of energy and sadness. Mindfulness is not a “quick fix” because, just like any behavior that depends on muscle memory, mindfulness requires the brain to be exercised to think in a different way and to approach life with a different level of expectation and vigor.
Mindfulness is not for everyone, but those seeking to live life with a purpose without regret or negativity will find that learning mindfulness strategies is world changing.
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