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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
James A. Cleaver, Esq.
What Is Uninsured Motorist Automobile Insurance and Why Should I Be Concerned About It?
Alexander & Cleaver Professional Association

What Is Uninsured Motorist Automobile Insurance and Why Should I Be Concerned About It?

What Is Uninsured Motorist Automobile Insurance and Why Should I Be Concerned About It?

Most people are familiar with liability, collision and comprehensive insurance coverage. Chances are you have been in an accident, your car has been damaged or you have had a broken windshield so you have used these coverages.

Nothing, however, is more important than uninsured motorist coverage. This coverage protects you if the wrongful driver is uninsured or insured but does not have enough insurance to pay your damages.

This insurance is mandatory in Maryland which mean she you must purchase uninsured motorist coverage. Where most people get into trouble is not having enough uninsured motorist coverage. Remember, when you purchase automobile insurance you purchase two things: coverages and the amount of coverage. The minimum per person coverage for uninsured motorists is $30,000 in Maryland. Having the bare minimum is like having a ticking time bomb. Consider this, by far the most “go fund me” accounts are for medical bills. A minor motor vehicle accident can easily result in medical bills and loss of earnings in excess of $30,000. Add to that the pain and discomfort that goes along with motor vehicle injuries and you can easily come up short in compensation.

The way to make sure that you do not fall victim to this trap is to make sure you have adequate uninsured motorist coverage. Purchasing $50,000 or $100,000 uninsured motorist coverage should not cost that much more than the bare minimum.  If you are seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, either having adequate uninsured motorist coverage or not will turn out to be a life changing event.

Finally, note that the laws regarding insurance are different from state to state. For example, in the District of Columbia uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage are separate coverages. In order to be fully insured you need to purchase both.
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