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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jennifer Lee, DO, MPH
Stop the Flu Before the Flu Stops You
Steinmetz Integrative & Functional Medicine Center

Stop the Flu Before the Flu Stops You

Winter has arrived and so have the coughs and sniffles of cold and flu season. If you find yourself burning up with a fever and constantly wiping your runny nose, think twice before reaching for a treatment.

The symptoms of colds and flu, including fever and nasal congestion, are the effects of your body fighting the infection. Be careful about taking medicines to reduce fever or clear up a runny nose you may be lengthening your recovery time in the bargain.

In general, leave your fever alone unless it rises above 104?F. If you do treat it, try to bring it down to 101? or 102?, not all the way to its normal level. You'll recover faster if you let your body do what it needs to do to fight off the invading microbes. When in doubt, consult your doctor to determine if it is necessary to treat the fever.

A runny nose is your body flushing out the germs. Taking medicine to stop it will slow down your body's disease-fighting process. Using a saline nasal wash is a good way to flush mucous out of your nasal passages, helping remove the viral particles faster.

An Ounce Of Prevention

Catching a cold or the flu isn't inevitable. You can greatly reduce your risk with some simple prevention techniques.

Consider getting a flu shot Available from your doctor, and offered by many pharmacies and workplaces, this annual vaccination will protect you against the strains of influenza that are most active this year. While it's not a 100 percent guarantee, the vaccination provides a lot of protection.

  • Wash your hands frequently Cold and flu germs spread easily through handshakes, handholding and handling food. Washing your hands will remove the germs, protecting you and those you come into contact with.
  • Boost your immune system Get enough sleep, limit your alcohol intake and manage your stress levels. They all contribute to maintaining a strong immune system.
  • Eat your fruits and vegetables They'll provide vitamins and minerals your body needs to fight infection.

Speed Up Recovery

If you find yourself fighting the coughs and sniffles, here are some options to accelerate the recovery process.

  • 1,000 mg of vitamin C three times a day enhances the function of your body's killer cells.
  • Elderberry can shorten the duration of the flu by up to 56 percent.
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