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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Charles Gant, MD, PhD
Precision Medicine Pinpoints Your Personal Health Solutions
National Integrated Health Associates
. https://www.nihadc.com/

Precision Medicine Pinpoints Your Personal Health Solutions

Did you ever wonder why some people respond better to an herb, or exercise, or a medicine or nutritional supplement, or a food regimen, or various therapies? How can you determine what will work best for
your body?

Whether you are looking to heal or to stay healthy, how can you know the best choices for yourself, or for your child or a family member? Have you been trying to heal a chronic physical or mental/emotional disorder with little success? With the advent of “precision medicine”, we now have access to a new and powerful set of clues about the root causes behind many disorders, as well as what will be most effective for each individual's health and wellness.

The starting place for precision medicine is genomic testing, which has seen great advances in recent years. Each of us has our very own unique genetic profile. Our personal genetic makeup determines how we respond to our environment. That includes how we respond to foods, toxins, stressors, and just about anything else we encounter. We each have our own unique set of needs, sensitivities and responses.

For example, our genes can explain why some of us need more vitamin D, or C, or B12. For some people, the ability to maintain healthy intestinal flora is compromised due to a “quirky” gene. Some of us have a genetic predisposition to rapidly oxidize, or burn up, certain substances. This can explain why alcohol or some medications just don't seem to have much effect for some people. It can also explain why some of us experience a strong effect from an herb such as ginseng, while others don't.

Genomics helps us identify those who would have adverse reactions to a medication, including how a child's health might be adversely affected by certain vaccinations. Our ability to handle stress, maintain a positive mood, or to detoxify when exposed to toxic substances can often be explained by what are called methylation genes. An alpha1 antitrypsin genetic test can help explain asthma symptoms, COPD, tendencies toward lung cancer, or why someone is highly sensitive to smoke and air pollution.

These are just a few of the many ways genomic testing can point us toward lasting health solutions. In each case where we have a “quirky” gene, or are genetically predisposed toward a deficiency, there are actions we can take to modify our genetic expression in a positive way.

Precision medicine also uses extensive functional laboratory diagnostic testing to determine your current nutritional, toxicological, metabolic, immune, allergic, endocrine, neurotransmitter, and infectious status. Combining this with your genomic profile is how precision medicine pinpoints the uniquely personal underlying causes of disorders, as well as the most effective protocols for the individual. Often, that includes nutritional supplements, dietary considerations, natural therapies, exercise and lifestyle factors, as well as, appropriate conventional medicine elements.

Precision Medicine is
transforming healthcare

President Obama summed it up well when he announced the Precision Medicine Initiative last year and said, “You can match a blood transfusion to a blood type – that was an important discovery. What if matching a cancer cure to our genetic code was just as easy, just as standard?”

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