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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Hearing Professionals
The In's and Out's Of Ear Wax
Hearing Professionals Inc.
. http://www.hearing-professionals.com/

The In's and Out's Of Ear Wax

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a naturally produced substance that is formed through the oils and glands of the ears. The purpose of this wax, is to protect the inner ear from damage, antibacterial properties protect from infections, as well as serving as lubrication.

Cerumen can vary in consistency and appearance. It may be almost liquid-like, firm and solid, or dry and flaky, and ranges in color depending on its composition.

How Is Ear Wax Formed?

Ear wax is formed in the outer third of your ear canal, produced by the sebaceous gland. Most of the time, the ear canals are self-cleaning. That is, there is a slow and orderly migration of earwax and skin cells from the eardrum to the ear opening, where it usually dries, flakes, and falls out. Old earwax is constantly being transported, assisted by chewing and jaw motion.

What Are Some Of the Symptoms Of Excessive Ear Wax?

Excessive ear wax can cause some of the following symptoms earache, a sense of fullness in the ears, a decrease in hearing, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), coughing, itching, or discharge from the ear canal.

This excessive wax should be professionally removed if the ear canal narrows as a result of infection or disease of the skin, bone, or connective tissue, if there is production of a less fluid-like form of cerumen, or if there is an overproduction of cerumen in response to trauma or blockage.

How Should Ear Wax Be Removed?

Though there are many home treatments such as mineral oil, baby oil, glycerin in the ear (to soften

the wax), hydrogen peroxide drops, and over-the-counter products such as Debrox or Murine Ear Drops, one home remedy that should never be used are Q-tips. If the ear still feels clogged after using drops or softeners, a physician should be consulted.

Q-tips should never be used because most attempts to clean the ears by using cotton swabs only result in pushing the wax further into the ear canal, which can cause many permanent problems for your hearing and inner ear health. Any issues or concerns should be immediately reported to your audiologist, ENT, or primary care physician.

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