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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kathy Mellott, AuD
Hear Great and Look Great Too
Audiology Unlimited

Hear Great and Look Great Too

A Greek philosopher once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Unfortunately, for one out of 10 of us, two ears are not always enough to hear what others are saying.

Whether due to the normal aging process, excessive noise, genetic defect, or some other reason, one in 10 Americans today has a hearing loss. And studies find that when people cannot hear one another, every part of their life, from job performance to sexual intimacy, may be affected. Over time, untreated hearing loss silently erodes a person's overall quality of life often undermining family relationships, interfering with short-term memory, and causing loneliness and tension.

Former Miss America Deidre Downs knows firsthand what it's like to live with a hearing loss. As a child she compensated for her hearing loss but felt isolated. “It wasn't until I started medical school that I realized I couldn't deny it any longer. It was very hard to follow lectures in large auditoriums, interact with patients and professors (especially if they wore surgical masks). I realized that I finally needed to face my hearing problem and find a solution.”

Seven reasons everyone should get their hearing checked

1. Hearing loss can strike at any time and at any age. Of the 31.5 million Americans with hearing loss, 65% are below retirement age.

2. Hearing loss affects more than one in four American families and one in 10 Americans.

3. The signs of hearing loss usually emerge slowly and are often first noticed by others.

4. Unaddressed hearing loss can cause irritability, negativism, anger, fatigue, tension, stress, depression, social withdrawal, rejection, memory loss and loneliness.

5. Untreated hearing loss negatively affects household income, on average, up to $23,000 per year. But the use of hearing instruments mitigates the effects of hearing loss on income by about 50%.

6. Genes may play a significant role in hearing loss experienced by baby boomers and their parents.

7. Ninety to 95% of people with hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids and their quality of life significantly improved. Modern hearing aids are sleek and usually cannot even be easily seen.

The good news is that with today's sophisticated hearing devices, you can hear great and look great too.
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