Pembrooke Square ENT Associates, LLC
11355 Pembrooke Square
Waldorf, MD 20603
(301) 645-4419
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"Balloon" Opens Blocked Sinus Pathways
Finally there is a quick solution for sinus sufferers that can dramatically reduce chronic sinus infections, balloon sinus dilation, a revolutionary sinus treatment that is performed in a physician's office.
This simple solution for debilitating sinus symptoms is becoming a much sought after procedure.
Balloon sinus dilation is effective for treating patients diagnosed with recurrent or persistent sinusitis. Performed under local anesthesia, balloon sinus dilation is a quick procedure that opens blocked sinus pathways by inserting and inflating a small balloon, restoring drainage and offering instant life-changing relief that lasts.
Worldwide more than a hundred million people suffer from chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in various forms. Some have relentless, continuous, debilitating sinus symptoms and others have repetitive acute sinus infections with intervals of apparent normalcy.
For most of history, the medical profession had little success in controlling chronic or recurrent sinus infections. In the early 20th Century many operations were devised to try to help, but most were terribly painful and risky, required prolonged recovery and had a poor track record of success.
In the late 1980's, however, a dramatic breakthrough occurred in the surgical treatment of sinus disease Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS). No longer were risky, painful operations on the sinuses the only option. Using the tiny endoscopes initially developed for joint surgery, ENT surgeons could finally provide reliable relief to chronic sinus sufferers with a safer, less-painful and less-invasive surgical procedure in an outpatient surgical setting. Postoperative discomfort and complications were dramatically lessened and the recovery period shortened. Instead of days of hospitalization, followed by days or weeks of painful recuperation at home, sinus surgery now became almost exclusively outpatient and recovery began to be measured in days instead of weeks. FESS continues to be the “gold standard” for advanced disease of the sinuses only responsive to surgery.
Balloon Sinus Dilation (Balloon Sinuplasty)
Recently, however, a revolutionary treatment option (balloon sinus dilation) has been developed for the majority of sinus sufferers whose conditions are not so severe that extensive sinus surgery is the only effective option.
Minimally invasive sinus catheter devices have been developed, tested and proven safe and successful for in-office treatment of sinus disease not responsive to medical management.
Using local anesthesia only, balloon dilation of the sinuses can now be comfortably performed in the office, frequently avoiding the need for more invasive surgical treatment.