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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kevin Jack
You Think Your Child Needs Braces – What Happens Now?

You Think Your Child Needs Braces – What Happens Now?

Many orthodontic issues such as crooked teeth, a crowded mouth, and even jaw pain are obvious signs that your child may need an Orthodontist. Some children experience issues because their jaw doesn’t grow as fast as their teeth come in.

Others may have an overbite or underbite causing pain and/or bleeding in the gums. Once you recognize that your child might need braces to help alleviate these issues and get a healthy smile, you should reach out to a trusted pediatric orthodontist.

Keep reading to learn more about the process.

Start With an Orthodontic Evaluation

An Orthodontist is a doctor who specializes in treating structural issues in the mouth that cause teeth to come in crooked or cause bite and alignment issues. They can evaluate what’s going on and create a treatment plan to get them on the right path. During the evaluation, the doctor may take x-rays, take mouth molds, and they will evaluate the overall health of your child’s teeth to see what braces for kids options are available.

Discuss Treatment Options

Once the doctor has a look at everything, they will discuss with you and your child the next steps. The treatment plan may include things like spacers, palate expanders, and braces for kids. Depending on the extent of the orthodontic work your child needs, their treatment plan could include multiple phases over a few years. While this may seem like a lot, it’s important to follow the plan all the way through to ensure that your child does not experience any major issues later in life.

Submit Documentation to Your Insurance Carrier for Pre-Approval

After you find out the treatment options and costs, you can submit it to your insurance for pre- approval. Many insurers require approval before they will pay out medical bills. While some orthodontic offices will do this on your behalf, others may not. Your insurance will inform you of how much they will cover and how much you are responsible for. You may be able to set up a payment plan for your portion through the doctor’s office.

Prepare for Braces and Follow the Treatment Plan

Spacers and removing teeth may be part of your child’s treatment plan. These must be completed before the Orthodontist can put on the braces. After these preliminary appointments are done, the braces can be installed. You’ll probably need to bring your child in at least once a month until the plan is complete. It’s important to follow the doctor’s instructions when you get braces for kids.


It’s important to sit down with an Orthodontist once you recognize that your child might need braces. They will evaluate your child’s oral health and the extent of work necessary to give them a healthy and beautiful smile. After you learn about the treatment options you can work with your insurance and your Orthodontist to come up with a payment plan. Following the treatment is important to ensure your child has great oral health.

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