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What's Behind a Gorgeous Smile?
As we look in the mirror, the face reflected back is often one we don't recognize. As we age, mouths and necks sag, giving a frowning, thin-lipped expression, accompanied by deepening furrows from the mouth to the nose. This causes an often times angry expression.
Discolored and stained teeth that may be chipped or worn all contribute to a tired appearance. Receding gums tend to give a horsey long-in-the-tooth look. Has your demeanor changed because you hate showing a disappointing and/or gummy smile?
The ancient Greeks and Romans measured beauty by what artists and architects refer to as the golden ratio, or golden proportions. Whether sculpting or painting a beautiful face and body, or crafting a beautiful smile, these mathematical proportions define the symmetry of natural beauty. We can come close in obtaining golden proportions even if we were not born that way.
There is a natural and non-invasive way to achieve great results. New dental techniques can evaluate the underlying supporting structure of the face and jaw. Many dental and developmental problems will cause the jaw to move back, undermining the entire scaffolding supporting the lower third of the face.
Oral orthopedics can realign and advance the jaw, and/or widen arches holding the teeth in place, having a very profound impact on the ultimate shape of the jaw line and bone structure, resulting in a truly beautiful smile. Lips look fuller as they are more naturally relaxed, supported by the proper angulations and straight position of the teeth.
The waddle under the neck is gently stretched over the bones of the jaw line providing extra support to these tissues. Ultimately, one can look years younger with these non-invasive techniques.
Once proper function and form have been achieved, the color and/or shape of teeth may be enhanced to achieve a final aesthetic result. Using the guide of the golden proportion to attain a more perfect foundation will give you a reason to smile with confidence because you know, not only does your smile look great, but “you” look and feel great.
While the old adage that beauty is skin deep is true, the bone structure, or foundation, is hidden beneath the skin. It is an important factor contributing to physical beauty. Plastic surgeons may add implants, tighten skin and remove wrinkles; they are not changing the underlying structures. Although the main upper smiling teeth can be made acceptable, without correcting the fundamental bone structure, maximum genetic beauty potential cannot be achieved.
It is true that what you don't see is most important. Have a professional evaluation done to find how your maximum natural beauty can be realized.
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