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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sherry Kazerooni, DDS, LVIF
Priceless Smiles
Sherry Kazerooni, DDS

Priceless Smiles

When preparing for a night on the town or maybe a networking social, everyone tries to look like a million bucks. Although designer clothes may accent your value, and fancy jewelry may give an aura of worth, the most important component in the quest to look like a million bucks cant be found at the shopping mall. The million-dollar look can only be found in something you already have, your smile.

An attractive smile is worth more than gold. A beautiful smile not only enhances peoples perception of you but it can also change your appearance and boost your self-esteem. Yet many people neglect this notion.

“People invest in so many other things and forget about their smile, but the first things people look at are the eyes and a persons smile,” says Dr. Gregory Stoute, the chief of dental services at Harvard University and president of the National Dental Association.

Cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry has an answer. It has unique advantage of being able to improve ones smile and health. So many people are walking around with old dental work that is compromising their oral health. Many others have worn their teeth to the point that their bite is causing symptoms of TMJ problems, such as headaches, muscle pain, and even dizziness. Top cosmetic dentists can address these problems while creating a beautiful smile that leaves patients looking and feeling their very best.

Creating a great smile requires a combination of artistic talent, extensive training, experience, dedication to excellence, and advanced dental technology. It involves crafting tooth structure to it is optimum size and shape that corresponds to individual facial characteristics that translate to a younger looking appearance.

“Facial expressions are critically important in all ways of how we communicate. Its what we see first, what we respond to first, and right or wrong, its what we base our first impressions on”, says clinical psychologist Sylvia Welsh. So if you have a warm smile, youre likely to evoke warmth in others.

Cosmetic dentistry patients say that changing their smile changed their life overall. They have more self-confidence, they are more outgoing, they smile more, they look and feel younger and they experience more success in both their personal and professional life.

Cosmetic procedures that can create a beautiful smile include
Teeth whitening
Inlays and onlays
Crowns and bridges

If you have been thinking about improving your smile, take a few moments and answer the following questions to see if you are a candidate for cosmetic dentistry.

1. Do you dislike the appearance of your teeth?

2. Do you ever cover your smile?

3. Do you have spaces between your teeth?

4. Are you uncomfortable smiling in social events/photos?

5. Do you wish your teeth were whiter?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, call a cosmetic dentist and schedule a personal consultation.

The science of cosmetic dentistry now holds hands with aesthetics, beauty and harmony. Solutions now exist which can make your smile look stunning. What are you waiting for?
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