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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Men Looking For a Better Job? Start by Visiting the Dentist

Men Looking For a Better Job? Start by Visiting the Dentist

An online poll of 289 general dentists and consumers confirms the traditional stereotype that men are less likely to visit the dentist than their female counterparts, according to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), an organization of general dentists dedicated to continuing dental education.

Why? Nearly 45 percent of respondents felt that men don't see a need to go to the dentist, and about 30 percent of those polled reported that men may not visit the dentist because they are afraid or embarrassed to go. Almost 18 percent revealed that men just don't have the time for a dental visit, and about 5 percent felt that men don't even have a regular dentist.

This long-standing trend and excuse, however, may be disappearing as more men are climbing back into the dental chair for a surprising reason.

More men are coming in and requesting bleaching, veneers and bonding. Many have noticed the positive effects from a colleague's improved smile and realize that a great smile has a lot of value in the business world.

It is a fact that not long ago, most men worked for one or two employers throughout a lifetime and many did not think about the way their overall appearance affected their professional life.

That's not the reality today, with lay-offs and company closings across the board. Today middle-aged men are competing for jobs with younger men, making appearance a heightened factor in their lives.

Taking a back seat to new cosmetic concerns for men is the increased awareness of the overall health benefits of seeing a dentist biannually.

As a dentist, I want men to seek dental care because they're concerned about their health; however I'm glad they are seen for whatever reason they come in. Many times after men come back to the dentist they realize that proper maintenance and biannual checkups are the key to improving the way one looks and feels.
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