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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Health and Beauty One and the Same

Health and Beauty One and the Same

What is true beauty? Is it “in the eye of the beholder? If you were a sculptor of human form, you would be an expert in the mathematical ratios known as “golden proportions.” These are a set of mathematical proportions that define ideal structure. The more symmetrical and proportional the bone structure is, the more one achieves maximum beauty, and some scientists believe you cannot have maximized health without it.

True beauty is much more than what is “skin deep” it is about the underlying support structures.

There are golden proportions for your smile. Your teeth and smile can be re-designed utilizing these principles to create aesthetic illusions. This can be achieved with porcelain crowns and veneers or realigning natural teeth into a more harmonious arrangement with braces.

In these pictures, as teeth are lost, the structural support is undermined. Look at the changes that take place. Not only do you age dramatically, but your chewing function is compromised and dental confidence erodes. TMJ pain, migraines, headaches and neck pain can develop. Tongue posture and internal oral structures collapse causing snoring and other breathing disorders.

These problems can all be treated with neuromuscular dentistry. This field of dentistry focuses on misalignment and malformation of the jaw joints and muscles, and the connections to the central nervous system to help reposition and support the facial muscles naturally, without surgery.

Even with cosmetic surgery, if your facial structure has been compromised, you may still have a deteriorating smile that diminishes the surgical results.

Most women who suffer from a bad bite usually have a jaw that has moved back and up compressing the nerves of the jaw joints. It slows brain function and can affect the spine causing forward head posture. Have you seen the little old people whose heads enter a room before their bodies? That could be you.

Hormones and other neural and vascular communication throughout the body become compromised. Weight gain, low energy and less sex drive can all result. Many women with TMJ issues and bad bites have snoring or sleep apnea as well.

In children the problems can be cured if they are treated by the age of eight. So many times a child with allergies, breathing problems and a malformed oral cavity and surrounding jaw structure will be compromised for life if not diagnosed early and treated appropriately.

What is shown in the picture below is not the result of puberty, and could be “fixed” if treated early enough.

Look at the beautiful formation in his earlier years. Allergies and breathing complications altered his oral cavity formation and tongue posture. His nose overgrew and his chin and neck disappeared.

To close, simply masking aesthetic problems will not address underlying issues that affect your overall vitality and quality of life. The point is that beauty and health are one and the same. You cannot truly have one without the other.

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