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E. Taylor Meiser, DDS, PA
Gum Disease Treatment Options
Lighthouse Family Dentistry
. http://lighthousefamilydentistry.com/

Gum Disease Treatment Options

Gum Disease Treatment Options

Soft tissue management offers a non-surgical approach to effectively control periodontal disease. It is important to note that while there is no cure for periodontal disease, it can be effectively managed and controlled through appropriate measures.

So, what exactly is soft tissue management? It is a personalized plan designed to eliminate infection in the gums and root surfaces. Your dentist, hygienist, and you will work together to determine the most suitable plan for your specific needs.

The hygienist will play a crucial role in performing treatments aimed at eliminating infection, providing recommendations to enhance your daily oral hygiene practices, and guiding you towards achieving and maintaining oral health.

One significant aspect of soft tissue management is root planing, which involves treating the diseased root surfaces located below the gum line. Unlike a routine dental cleaning, which primarily focuses on cleaning teeth above the gum line, root planing specifically targets the removal of tartar and plaque below the gum line, detoxifying the root surfaces affected by the disease.

So, what are the goals your dentist aims to achieve through soft tissue management? They include having gums that are healthy and do not bleed, fresher breath and taste, gums that are not red, swollen, or tender, knowledge on how to maintain good oral hygiene effectively, reduced pocket depths, and control over the progression of periodontal disease.

To ensure the success of this treatment, your dentist relies on your cooperation as the patient. This involves completing the periodontal therapy as prescribed, thoroughly cleaning all tooth surfaces twice a day, and adhering to regular re-care visits. For patients with adult periodontitis, supportive three-month re-care visits are particularly essential for the successful outcome of the therapy.

By actively participating in soft tissue management and following your dentist’s recommendations, you can effectively control periodontal disease, maintain your oral health, and enjoy the benefits of healthier gums and fresher breath.

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