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Dental Care During Pregnancy
When you're pregnant everything matters; what you eat, doctor appointments, exercise, and your dental health. The connection of your dental health to your overall health is heightened when you're expecting a baby. The less health complications you encounter the better it is for you and your child.
No doubt, your body is changing. And, those changes can often trigger certain oral health conditions you might not otherwise encounter.
Three Changes To Watch
Hormones are the culprit. They can increase your blood flow and with that deliver more risks to your teeth and gum tissue.
Gingivitis can occur during pregnancy. Red, swollen gums, and an increased risk for bleeding can occur to you as it commonly does for approximately 50% of pregnant women.
Pregnancy tumors or gum growths are an irritation caused by gingivitis and dental plaque build-up on your teeth. These harmless, non-cancerous growths will disappear after you give birth.
Periodontal (gum) disease can result from gingivitis during pregnancy. This infection attacks your gum tissue with an increased risk of entering your bloodstream.
What To Do and When
The good news is that you can protect yourself from the three dental health risks during pregnancy. It's vital to maintain your oral hygiene routine when you're pregnant by brushing and flossing to remove the harmful dental plaque from your teeth and gum tissue.
Morning sickness impacts your teeth also. Stomach acid affects your tooth enamel so it's essential to rinse your mouth with water following an episode of sickness.
A dental healthy diet is effective too. Baby teeth can form in utero making it important to eat for their development as you would the health of your teeth.
Preliminary appointments during the pregnancy planning phase are recommended. These would include your teeth cleaning and any restorative dental treatment that's pending.
Communicate with your dentist prior to any dental procedure. Inform us about the specific trimester you are in and we will delay treatment or make you aware of the best time for a specific procedure during pregnancy.
A dental emergency should receive attention as soon as possible. It's common to avoid dental x-rays during pregnancy but if necessary precautions can be taken to assure your baby's health.
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