Evergreen Acupuncture & Herbs, LLC
14812 Physician Lane
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 251-8868
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Acupuncture For Sciatica
Sciatica is pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve. Sometimes the pain extends from the buttock down the leg to the foot, although usually only part of this area is affected (usually the buttock and thigh). In severe cases, the pain may be accompanied by numbness or weakness in the affected area.
Sciatica is divided mainly into two groups. The first group is idiopathic. The cause of this type is not identified in conventional medicine, but Chinese medicine identifies the cause as wind cold dampness. It often occurs after patients are exposed to wind cold or wind dampness in the air.
The second group is a neighboring problem. The most common cause of this type of sciatica is a prolapsed intervertebral disk pressing on a spinal root of the nerve. It may also be caused by pressure on the nerve from a tumor, tuberculosis, abscess, blood clot or soft tissue pathogenic change in a sacroiliac joint, lumbar or sacral region. Usually coughing, sneezing, and bowel movements will increase the pain. There is also pressure and a tapping pain around the lumbar vazertebrae and limitation in extension and flexion of the back. When the patient moves the leg or low back, the pain will radiate downwards to the buttocks, leg and feet.
For sciatic pain caused by a tumor, tuberculosis and abscess, conventional medical treatment would be the first choice to treat the cause. So, when patients have sciatic nerve pain they should go to their primary doctor first to diagnose the problem. For other kinds of sciatic pains, acupuncture and other Chinese medical treatments are a very effective choice.
Chinese medical treatments for sciatica includes acupuncture or electrical acupuncture (deep or shallow needling), auricular acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, Tui Na (Chinese medical massage) and herbal medicine. The methods used would depend on the cause of the disease and the patient's condition. In China, patients with sciatica often pursue acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medical treatments.
For new and severe pain, patients should lie on a firm mattress. Most sciatica patients should also keep warm at all times. When activity involves strenous effort, care must be taken by wearing an elastic brace.
Chinese medical treatments are safe, drug free (no side effects) and can let you live without pain.
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