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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sherry Kazerooni, DDS, LVIF
A Smile Makeover Makes All the Difference
Sherry Kazerooni, DDS

A Smile Makeover Makes All the Difference

A smile makeover, also known as “Smile Rejuvenation” is easy, painless and can change your entire appearance in as little as two visits.

Youll see results in a more youthful looking smile that will make friends and relatives wonder what have you done. No one would imagine that a visit to the cosmetic dentist could generate image enhancing, life changing results. And thats exactly what happens to cosmetic dentistry patients everyday.

Your smile influences your health in more ways than one. Smiling has been proven to lower heart rates and produces less stressful and rapid breathing. Conversely, when your mouth is unhealthy, your whole body can be affected.

These are only two of the reasons you should take advantage of health-centered preventive, general and cosmetic care for your entire family- all in a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. Your smile never had it so good.

Facial expressions are critically important to how we communicate. “Its what we see first, what we respond to first, and right or wrong, its what we base our first impression on”, says clinical psychologist Sylvia Welsh. So if you have a warm smile, youre likely to evoke warmth in others.
Cosmetic dentistry patients say that changing their smiles changed their life overall. They have more self confidence, they are more outgoing, they smile more, they look and feel younger and they experience more success in professional life.

Cosmetic dentists can design the perfect smile for you. They offer many solutions that will create a beautiful smile that shines bright each time you walk into a room or meet someone including
Teeth Whitening
Inlays and Onlays
Crowns and bridges

If you have been thinking about improving your smile, take a few moments and answer the following questions to see if you are a candidate for cosmetic dentistry.

1. Do you dislike the appearance of your teeth?

2. Do you ever cover your smile?
3. Do you have spaces between your teeth?
4. Are you uncomfortable smiling in social events/ photos?
5. Do you wish your teeth were whiter?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, call a cosmetic dentist and schedule a personal consultation.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130