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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Hema Sundaram MD
360 MAKEOVER Beauty On a Budget
Sundaram Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Center

360 MAKEOVER Beauty On a Budget

1. Choose A Non-Surgical Face Lift Rather than spending on surgery that may leave you looking over-tight and over-done, youll spend less and look completely natural with non-surgical face lifting using the natural, sugar-based fillers, Perlane, Restylane and Juvederm. They are made of hyaluronic acid and replace the hyaluronic acid that your own skin loses with age, to restore support and structure. Evolence, a long lasting collagen, may also be added.
An expert cosmetic dermatologist can banish under-eye bags and hollows; restore high cheekbones and youthful, rounded facial contours; make thinning lips full and lovely; and remove sagging jowls. As an added bonus, non-surgical face lifting is scar-free and has little or no recovery time. Advanced techniques stimulate your skin to produce its own collagen, making your results last longer. Bony, veined hands can also be rejuvenated with Perlane, Restylane and Juvederm.
2. Invest in Maintenance Plans The latest treatments such as Botox, Dysport, Restylane, Fraxel and eMax lasers actually harness your skins own ability to rejuvenate itself. Maintenance and adjustment of your treatment allows you to continue to look naturally youthful as you get older. Look for a cosmetic surgeon with the highest expertise who also offers you a discounted maintenance plan so that you always look your best without breaking the bank.
3. Know Whos Treating You Cosmetic surgery guidelines issued by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, State Medical Boards and other recognized authorities recommend that laser, Botox, Dysport, Restylane, Evolence and other rejuvenation treatments should be performed by a physician who is board certified in one of the “core four” specialties that are specifically trained as cosmetic surgeons. These specialties are (in alphabetical order) dermatology, facial plastic surgery, plastic surgery and oculoplastic surgery.
For gold standard treatment, select a doctor who is board certified in a “core” specialty and has extensive experience. Its a false economy to compromise on safety.
4. Cheapest Isnt Always Best Beware if you are quoted a price for a procedure that is much cheaper or much more expensive than the usual price in your locality. Either situation could mean that whoever is proposing to treat you is inexperienced and does not treat many patients. Its fine to shop around, but make sure that you compare apples with apples.
For example, the newest Matrix RF laser for wrinkles and skin tightening is not the same as older wrinkle lasers because it is more advanced and gives better results. Treatment with concentrated (high unit) Botox or Dysport may cost more than diluted Botox or Dysport, but your results will look better and last longer.
5. Select an Expert The smartest strategy for budget beauty is to select your cosmetic surgeon carefully so that you are assured of expert techniques, the most up-to-date technology and excellent results.
The best cosmetic surgeons are national advisors for new procedures, are actively involved in cutting-edge teaching and research, train other doctors and offer you a wide variety of treatment options. They understand how to combine and individualize these treatment options to address your own unique pattern of aging within your budget, so that you get the best value for what you spend.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130