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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Your Smile Can Change Lives
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Your Smile Can Change Lives

Smile and the whole world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone. Smiling brightens up your face and the energy (aura) that surrounds you. Smiling uses muscles in the face that you don't normally use unless you are a person who smiles. Have you ever seen an infant smile? You may say to yourself, what is he smiling about, he doesn't know anything. Some people will say he sees angels. When you see someone smile you smile back. However, you must be careful because smiling is contagious.

Some people are too sad, depressed, or sick to smile. Some people have low self esteem, and don't feel worthy of smiling. Have you ever seen someone with few to no teeth smile?

Smiling is a state of being. When you smile people think you have been up to something. People don't always answer a question, they just smile and you interpret the answer from your perception of their smile. Smiles can be sneaky, sheepish, demure, not genuine, Kool Aid (ear to ear), honest, loving, laughing, etc.

People know you because of your smile. Your smile depicts your personality. Smiles are powerful; smiles can change your electromagnetic field. Smiling can change the chemical composition of your brain. Smiles are so powerful that smiling can change your life. As a matter of fact, my husband smiled at me 40 years ago and I fell in love with his smile, which was an expression of his personality. His smile changed my life.

Smile and your life will change. Smile and make people wonder what you have been up to. Remember you do not have to have teeth to smile.



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