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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Yoga For the New Year
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Yoga For the New Year

H is for Halasana (plow pose), an inverted supine forward bend done in yoga to activate the joint actions of the cervical flexion as well as lumbar flexion. Halasana is a lengthening of the spine. In this posture legs, neck, shoulders, and arms are involved. Halasana pose strengthens the abdominal muscles and exercises all the vertebrae of the spine. This posture can help eliminate neck pain, and release tension accumulated in other areas in the body.

A is for Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog pose), which is done in yoga to lengthen the spine and to work the psoas minor, obliques, which are deep extensors that maintain a neutral spine alignment.

P is for Purvottanasana (upward plank pose). This pose is a basic back bend with arms being used for support. In this pose the hips, knees, ankles, elbows, forearms, wrist, and fingers are used. This posture strengthens the lower part of the body.

P is for Paschimottanasana (back stretching), a basic seated forward bend that involves spinal flexion sacrum mutation, hip flexion, adduction, internal rotation, knee rotation, and elbow extension. This posture is excellent for stretching out the back of the body. This posture removes painful compressions of the nerves. It works the spleen, appendix and kidneys. It is great for diabetics.

Y is for yoga, a practice that incorporates breathing, stretching, and relaxation and creates a union of mind, body, and soul.

N is for Navasana (boat pose), which is used in yoga for basic balance and to strengthen the abdominals. This posture is beneficial in stretching the hamstrings. Excellent for indigestion, gout, gas, rheumatism, and gastrointestinal disorders

E is for Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (one-legged royal pigeon pose). This posture is used in yoga to intensify the action of the hamstrings in the front legs. This muscle crosses over the largest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve. Tightness in this muscle can cause pain of the sciatic nerve.

W is for waking up early to start your day with meditation, yoga, pranayama and prayer.

Y is for the yoga class you will take at least one day a week to maintain health of body and peace of mind.

E is for enough of the excuses you give yourself for not taking the time to do yoga or any fitness for the body, spirit, and mind

A is for another year God of the universe has given us to get ourselves in order so that we may live happy, healthy fulfilled lives.

R is for the well-deserved relaxation that comes at the end of a yoga class, in the form of shavasana (corpse pose) to help the mind and body relax.

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