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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Douglas J. Corby, Optician and Owner of Annapolis Opticians
Visual Problems, Aging and Falls
Annapolis Opticians

Visual Problems, Aging and Falls

As we age falling becomes a two edged sword because we are more likely to fall, and if we do fall we are more likely to be injured.

There are many reasons we are more likely to fall, we may have lost physical strength and mobility. We may have health issues, which require us to be on medication. We may have lost sharpness of hearing and vision, which has a negative effect on balance. Reduced vision also means we might trip more.

We can take action to reduce the risk of falling

Preserve our vision by having yearly eye examinations, this assures that any developing eye disease gets treated early, and that the prescription of our eyeglasses is as good as it can be.

Make sure that our eyeglasses are of good quality, and that they have been fitted and kept in good adjustment by a professional Optician. American Board of Opticianry certification (ABO) is the basic standard by which opticians can be judged.

Have good lighting everywhere in our homes.

Remove things from the floor over which we might trip, such as throw rugs, shoes etc.

Make sure to use the handrail when negotiating stairs.

When walking outside the safest glasses would be single vision for distance only, with lenses that darken in bright light that will reduce glare and protect us from ultra violet.
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