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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Christopher Oliver, DC, PAC
Stages of Chiropractic Care
Oliver Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Stages of Chiropractic Care

Because chiropractic addresses core physiological and biomechanical aspects of the body, the process to correct problems without drugs or surgery can take some time. Some conditions can be treated in a few visits, while others may take longer.
The following is a brief summary of the three major phases of chiropractic care.
Relief Phase
Patients may seek chiropractic help if they have an ache or pain. In the first phase of care, the main objective is to eliminate or reduce your discomfort in the shortest amount of time. During this phase, the treatments are frequent (3 to 4 times per week until the symptoms subside) and the progress is usually rapid.
The number of visits during this phase of care varies and is dependent upon your specific condition. If you are not responding to chiropractic care during this phase, you may be referred to another health-care provider.
Stabilization Phase
Once your symptoms have reduced then comes the stabilization phase of care. The objective in the second phase of care is to correct any underlying injury or cause of discomfort, strengthen the muscles, and improve neuromusculoskeletal function. The frequency of office visits may be reduced at this time. Care may be supplemented by rehabilitation exercises, nutrition, and modification of daily habits and home prevention. Once your discomfort has subsided, you may think all is well and choose to abandon your efforts. However, if you end your care before fully healing the muscles and soft tissues, you can invite a relapse.
Maintenance and Wellness Phase
You then “graduate” to the maintenance and wellness phase, which is designed to maintain the progress you have gained and improved health, encourage normal spinal function, prevent the return of the original condition, and catch small problems before they become serious. This phase of care may include teaching you how to incorporate good nutrition, home prevention and exercise habits into your everyday life, thereby promoting vitality, endurance, and the ability to enjoy life at its fullest.
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