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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Holly Dunbar, CMT, RH (AGH)
Rejuvenating Facelift Massage
New Moon Body Work and Botanicals
. http://www.newmoonbody.com

Rejuvenating Facelift Massage

There is something to be said for pampering oneself. A Swedish massage, pedicure, or facial can be deeply relaxing and nurturing. But to have a session that addresses both health and beauty in one is all the more beneficial. Rejuvenating facelift massage is one type of therapy that addresses both. This massage technique may help tone weak muscles in the face, improve the complexion, and help to reduce fine lines. It is also meant to target specific health concerns such as headaches, sinus congestion, TMJ dysfunction, and stress reduction. This technique is also recommended for patients suffering from Bell's Palsy and Parkinson's Disease by toning the muscles and aiding in relief of pain and spasms associated with these conditions.

Rejuvenating facelift technique uses detailed massage strokes to aid in proper circulation and lymphatic flow, release of muscular tension, and toning of weak muscles. It can reduce pain and tension in the face associated with Bell's Palsy and Parkinson's, and also help retrain the muscles to retain a more natural expression.

This technique incorporates some elements of a facial, but is considered a holistic massage treatment, and is not simply about cleansing the skin. High quality, often organic, skin care products are used in the session to ensure the massage strokes are not hindered by excess oils or make-up. The botanical ingredients also enhance blood flow and provide nutrients to the skin.

It is rare to find a technique that combines elements of both health and beauty. The deep relaxation this session delivers, along with its host of impressive benefits, make this a holistic treatment well worth receiving.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130