Steinmetz Integrative & Functional Medicine Center
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Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 671-2700
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Oxidative Stress Roots Of Chronic Illness and Early Aging
As our body transforms oxygen and food into energy, destructive “oxidation” and “free radicals” may result. Free radicals include destructive compounds, like peroxides, and are like little tornadoes that spin off more little tornadoes that damage cells. Free radicals damage the protein and fats in cell membranes, the mitochondria (energy factories in cells), and sometimes even the DNA, the basic genetic component of our cells. Damage to DNA can sometimes lead to cancer.
The average human cell sustains an estimated 10,000 “hits” per day with free radicals. When cells are damaged by free radicals, the body reacts with inflammation. Chronic inflammation itself can lead to more cell damage. With these, you have the triple whammy of free radicals leading to cell damage, inflammation, and cell death.
Fighting Free Radicals and Inflammation
To stay healthy, the body must maintain a healthy balance between formation of free radicals and destruction of free radicals. How does the body do this? It tries to keep the free radicals within the cells and breaks the free radicals down. It uses antioxidants like vitamin C and E to destroy the free radicals and uses natural mechanisms to repair damaged cells.
Fighting Consequences Of Oxidative Stress
First try to avoid toxins like cigarette smoke, pesticides, solvents, ozone and other chemicals that increase free radical production. Second, we must have abundant antioxidant nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Our poor intake of fruits and vegetables means that most Americans do not have enough antioxidants to protect them from the damaging effects of free radicals. The best defense against oxidative stress is to listen to what your mother always told you eat your fruits and vegetables. This means at least five servings a day, but 10 or 12 servings are better for maximum health. And choose from a broad selection so that your plate has a variety of colors at every meal.
How Do You Know If Your Body Suffers From Oxidative Stress?
We can actually measure how much oxidative stress the body is under with special lab tests including glutathione, serum lipid peroxides, 8-OhdG and enzymes that increase with oxidative stress. If these tests show you have oxidative stress, you and your doctor can make targeted nutritional changes to combat the stress and look for any undiscovered sources of oxidative damage and inflammation.
Reducing and Fighting Free Radicals Should Be Your Goals
Modify stress by avoiding toxins and eat a rainbow of fruits and veggies to fight off those free radicals. Consult an integrative medical doctor for more information about fighting inflammation and free radicals naturally.
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