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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jun Li, CEO
New Technology Improves Daily Health
South Riding Health Consulting, LLC

New Technology Improves Daily Health

It's well known that new technologies are widely used in the medical field, with new ideas and techniques being developed every day for treatments that were unheard of only a few decades ago. It's important to note, however, that new technologies have also developed that can help with your daily health and wellness.

But what is a new technology? If you asked someone 100 years ago, they'd tell you about the stethoscope; 50 years ago it was the ECG; and about a decade ago it was the CT scan, MRI and PET scans. What new technologies do we have now? It's nearly impossible to point at any one technology being developed as being the next breakthrough because so many great improvements are being made every day.

One growing trend today is the move toward the use of new technologies in the health and wellness area. For instance, we use a new noninvasive and radiation-free health scan that can tell you how well your organs are functioning and how well you are absorbing nutrients without having to have blood tests. Can you imagine?

How accurate are these new health-scanning technologies? They're not quite at the same level as blood tests, but they're close and that's important considering they don't require any blood to be drawn. You want to monitor your health, but nobody wants to have their blood drawn on a regular basis. It's also important to consider, in some cases, there may be a risk of blood clots from having your blood drawn too often.

Some people may ask, “Is it necessary to do this type of test?” The answer is 'no'. So why do tons of people choose it? The reason is they want to live smart. This type of test is not for diagnostic purposes. It's more convenient and much cheaper than a blood test, and not having to have blood drawn is an advantage.

It's adequate for daily health and wellness purposes and can also help with diagnosing health problems earlier. Early diagnosis can save peoples' lives and improve quality of life. Live smart keep track of your health, and control the cost by learning and using the newest technology.
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