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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Holly Dunbar, CMT, RH (AGH)
Massage Therapy The Ultimate Stress Reliever
New Moon Body Work and Botanicals

Massage Therapy The Ultimate Stress Reliever

As meaningful and fun as the holiday season can be, it also brings added obligations and stressors. The body does not distinguish between good stress and bad, so events that one anticipates with excitement and joy can still cause stress.

Family and religious events, office parties, fulfilling ones gift list, travel, all of these excitements can also spell restless sleep, schedule changes, and less than stellar eating habits this season. Massage therapy to the rescue.

How does massage relieve stress?

Massage puts the body into a slower mode, and restores the para-symapathetic nervous system, which is responsible for digestive process, deeper breathing, and regulating blood pressure. Repair of the smooth tissue is dependent upon proper functioning of this restorative system, and deep sleep cannot take place when the body is dominated by the sympathetic nervous system.

Massage eases muscle tension and spasms. Chronically tense muscles contribute to a myriad of health conditions headaches, TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, and back problems to name a few.

Massage stimulates endorphins, the feel good chemicals of the brain, which eases pain and depression, and contributes to a sense of well being.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and can help keep one well. This is due to specific stimulation of the immune cells, and because of general stress reduction. As stress is a huge factor in the development of most diseases, it pays to find ways to reduce and manage it.

Have a goal this season to fully enjoy and embrace the holidays, and consider an appointment for a massage as a means to accomplish that goal.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130