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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Get Moving This Summer
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Get Moving This Summer

June 21, 2017 will be the first official day of summer. It was a long winter and we are so happy to have warm weather. Summer is the time to warm up.

It's time to get outdoors. It is time to hear the birds, bees, and the sound of the unknown critters. It is time to smell the roses, honeysuckle, lavender and more. It is time to plant. Plant your own vegetables and herbs flowers.

It's time to create your surroundings, your beauty as you see it. Look around your personal space how can you make it yours? Color, texture, and smells are very important. What are the colors that inspire you to calm down or give your life energy? What motivates you?

It is also time to plant and nurture new positive thoughts and ideas. It's time to clean off the rubbish from your immediate space and your mind. Non-movement of the body and mind brings about stagnation. When things become stagnant, they stick, then they get stuck. When we don't move our body (some form of exercising) or mind (meditation) we become stagnant we become stuck.

During the winter months, we can pick up these qualities (kapha) and become stagnant, dull, cold, dry and hard. Rubbish builds up in our body and mind, because there is no movement, unlike spring and fall when things move. Wind moves things around. When things move they are no longer stuck. Movement is good.

Movement releases stuck, trapped energy. When energy flows, be it your mind, body or breath it releases you from the feeling of being stuck. Being stuck gives you the illusion of being sick.

Move (vata) your body, mind, and breathe.

When you find that these suggestions are more than you can handle, if they appear to not be so simple, then it is time for you to seek alternative ways of healing.

Massages are good for moving the energy around inside the body, breaking up the stagnation in your organs and systems. Meditation is good for moving and controlling the energy inside the mind (thoughts) and yoga is good for total movement of body, mind, and breath.

Keep in mind, drugs are good and beneficial in helping the body and mind to heal, however, movement can take the place of many of your discomforts.

When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, feeling pain, confused, unhappy or just blah, get up move, dance, exercise, walk or talk to someone. Sometimes others can help you realize things aren't always as imagined.

Have a conscious summer on purpose, with intent and awareness. Life is what you think it is.

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