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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Rachel Strass, DOM, LAc
Acupuncture and Relationships
Spirit Point Healing
. https://spiritpointhealing.com

Acupuncture and Relationships

As we surf into summer, the surrounding warmth and fullness of the leaves gives us a feeling of openness and vivaciousness. It feels like we will never grow old, and that summer will last forever. We look to our friends and family for opportunities to celebrate life. Sadly, if we don't have this happy unity with others, we can feel quite alone. Surely there must be a way to heal our relationships. Why do we do things, say things, and not say things when we know there is a better way to behave?

In classical Chinese Medicine, the answer is in the Five Elements, particularly the Fire element, which relates to connection. The pathways of qi (chee), or energy, flow from inside to outside and out-in. To give and receive from the heart is a wonderful feeling. But when the gate to the heart is jammed open or shut, we can have great anxiety about getting close to anyone. We may feel intensely vulnerable, terribly numb, or both.

Acupuncture can oil that gate so it opens and closes correctly, allowing us to be more emotionally and physically connected with others. It also can heal the systems that tell us who to trust, what messages to listen to, and which to ignore or avoid. When we know who is safe and we can choose how open we are, our relationships get better. Acupuncture doesn't make decisions for us; it simply removes blockages that cause confusion. A healthy Fire element allows us to connect safely and gracefully.

Imagine an office where critical decisions are made in partnership, good humor, and common sense. Who says we can't make our daily tasks an exercise in creating joy? So laugh all the way to the litter box, crack a joke at the water cooler, and smile at the cashier. Why not? When our energy is balanced, we have more fun and we are more fun. With regular treatment, acupuncture can pave the way to creating more joy for everyone in your world.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130