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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jeffery J. Dormu, DO, FACOS
Varicose Veins Not Just A Cosmetic Problem
Minimally Invasive Vascular Center of Maryland
. http://www.minimallyinvasivevascularcenters.com/

Varicose Veins Not Just A Cosmetic Problem

Since varicose veins seemingly only create an unsightly appearance, many people often think that there is no real medical problem, and that they are merely a cosmetic problem. This is a common misconception of varicose veins, and it results from of a lack of knowledge about the condition.
Although they pose only a cosmetic problem for many patients, some people experience varicose veins that cause physical discomfort and in some cases are quite painful. When varicose veins cause discomfort or pain, the legs may ache, swell or feel heavy or tired.
Varicose veins develop when surface blood vessels become weak. The pressure of blood pushing against the veins wall can cause it to bulge or twist. They have a rope-like appearance and commonly develop on the thighs, calves, feet and back of knees.
If left untreated varicose veins can continue to enlarge and the pain and discomfort will worsen over time. To treat the problem we have minimally invasive catheters that close the diseased main vein from within. The physician pulls the device through the vein, delivering bursts of energy through the catheters heating element to heat and contract the vein walls. With the primary vessel sealed, the body automatically re-establishes healthier circulation and the varicosity symptoms quickly dissipate.
Catheter devices fall into two categories radiofrequency (RF) devices and lasers. Both are fast and effective, however the RF device is recommended because is a lot easier on the patient. Laser devices operate at over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, causing pain both during and after the procedure and leaving big bruises that take a while to heal. The latest RF device, the VNUS ClosureFAST catheter, operates at far cooler temperatures, sealing the vein in 3-5 minutes with virtually no discomfort to the patient. It is performed in the office with a local anesthetic, and the patient is in and out in less than an hour, usually resuming normal activity the next day. The leg pain and heaviness disappear almost immediately, and visible changes are evident in a few weeks.
Clinical studies have found the new procedure to be more than 97% effective, and because it is considered a medical necessity rather than a cosmetic procedure, it is covered by Medicare and private health insurance. Active senior patients are delighted to have the zip back in their legs and to be able to wear shorts for the first time in decades.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130