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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Henry McCleary, DC
The Wonders Of Wellness
Holistic Chiropractor & Lifestyle Doctor
. https://www.drmacswellness.com/

The Wonders Of Wellness

Wellness means a lot of different things to different people. Wellness is defined in many ways by different professions. It is however, the one thing that ALL of us are seeking, but never achieve. Wellness is more than surviving it is a state of thriving.

Currently, traditional medicine and the present healthcare insurance system do not emphasize or value the meaning of wellness care. Medical insurance and traditional medicine's idea of wellness care entails testing or screening for a disease. An example is the yearly mammogram for women, a valuable and needed screening for breast cancer, paid for by most health insurance plans. It is a service that may give you early detection of a disease, but it is not the true meaning of wellness care.

Wellness care, as defined by chiropractic care, has the intent of assisting the body to reach its full potential. It is care that attempts to remove anything that is interfering with the body's ability to achieve and maintain Homeostasis or metabolic, emotional, and spiritual balance. It is care that attempts to supply everything essentially necessary for the body's optimal internal environment and allows the body to more easily adapt to an ever changing external environment.

Medical doctors and hospitals play a vital role in health care, emergency and crisis situations. Traditional medicine's forms of treatment are primarily prescribing medicines and surgical procedures. Drugs can be toxic and most all have some kind of side effect; and surgery is something most would prefer to avoid.

Chiropractic care is the philosophic foundation of wellness care. Chiropractors treat the spine with the intent of removing the interference or vertebral subluxation complex (VSC) that is preventing wellness. The vertebral subluxation is the term applied to a vertebra which has lost its normal position and/or motion in relation to neighboring vertebrae. Vertebrae which do not function properly within the spinal framework generate mechanical stress. This accelerates the wear and tear on the surrounding spinal muscles, ligaments, discs, joint and other spinal tissues. Pain, palpatory tenderness, inflammation, decreased spinal mobility, and muscle spasm and hypertonicity will eventually follow.

Additionally, because of the direct mechanical and physiological relationship between the spinal column and the spinal nerve roots, vertebral subluxations as well as other spinal abnormalities have the potential to impair proper nerve functioning. Once nerve functioning is compromised, communication within the body becomes less effective jeopardizing the overall health and wellness of the individual. Chiropractors are also educated to give sound diet, nutritional and exercise counseling.

If you are in need of medical treatment, see your medical doctor. If you are seeking a healthy lifestyle and wellness, see your chiropractor who is trained to help you achieve the wonders and benefits of wellness; through chiropractic adjustment and lifestyle counseling including diet, nutrition and exercise.

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