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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Lynn L. West, PhDc, BCETS, LCPC
Change Your Energy Signature
Lynn L. West & Associates, LLC

Change Your Energy Signature

At the biological level of every human being are trillions of cells emitting frequencies. The electrical properties of the collective group of cells emitting frequencies can be measured. A unique energy profile emerges, reflecting each person's unique pattern of vibrations. The profile defines which vibrations are healthy and which are out of balance.

When cellular vibrations are out of balance, it will be reflected in the person's behavior and physical and mental states. The behavior will be unhealthy, meaning it will not be respectful to self or others. It will be disharmonious and disturbed or distorted in some way and associated medical, mental, and emotional symptoms will develop.

The vibrations of our energy signature are the blueprints for who we are attracted to and bond with in our daily life. That is, we bond with people who are in balance with or are mirror images of our own energy signature.

We bond with frequencies that are healthy vibrations as well as with mutually disturbed vibrations. Disturbed vibrational bonding between individuals is called trauma bonding.

The force of the negative energy state is heavier and stronger than the force of energy state associated with healthy cellular vibrations. Healing occurs when the electrical disharmony in the cells underlying disturbed functioning is corrected by being pulled into harmonious balance.

This means you have to have people around you who are healthier than you and are not trauma bonded with you or have your same unresolved issues. If you choose to remain trauma bonded with someone, and not confront interpersonal unhealthy or hurtful patterns, you cannot heal because the force of the negative energy system is stronger and malignant; thus, it hijacks and corrupts healthy cellular functioning and turns more and more healthy cells into disharmony and distorted functioning.

You do not have to give up everyone in your life to heal yourself; you just have to change the pattern of healthy interpersonal interactions into more respectful interactions between the two of you than habitually interacting in a distorted or imbalanced manner as a way to maintain the relationship.

The laws of attraction are reflected in the people in our lives. Every person you hang around with is a direct mirror of the cellular frequencies in your own personality, whether you see it or not. If you see a behavior in someone else that you either like or dislike, you are seeing your own behaviors through their mirroring of you that you have in your own personality and are probably not dealing with or denying you have in your personality. It's much easier to consider ourselves the healthier person and deny we have flaws or disturbances that are unhealthy.

To heal ourselves from the emotional scaring in our past and the impact of the emotional scaring that others in our life that they have passed on to us, we have to live consciously and fully experience feelings in an appropriate manner. Healing is a corrective experience; a rebalance of what was imbalanced.

You have to be happy or harmonious at your cellular level to have happy and healthy relationships in your life. If you are not getting what you want in life, change your energy signature until you do.

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