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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
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Your Hair and Skin This Summer
Alya Salon & Spa
. https://www.alyasalon.com/

Your Hair and Skin This Summer

It’s official! Summer has unfolded it’s arms. The sun is shining bright and the days are only getting hotter and hotter. As the temperature rises, your hair and skin are being put in a vulnerable position. Here’s what you should you know to protect yourself from the heat this summer!

You may have a summer vacation coming up and plan to spend your days out in the sun. While that may sound relaxing, it can have a negative effect on your skin. Sun damage is a real concern; long exposure in the light of day can lead to not only sun burn, but wrinkles, dry skin, and last but not least, skin cancers like Melanoma.

To prepare yourself for that flaming fireball in the sky, try to limit your time in the sun to 20 minutes at a time. Make sure you wear sunscreen everyday with an SPF of at least 30, and re-apply often. To top it off, why not express your fashion sense? A sun hat and sunglasses can make a chic and skin-safe duo, and you’ll look cute, too!

Another concern with all the heat and the humidity are your locks. Your hair is fragile and needs moisture to maintain a healthy, shiny appearance. You may find yourself with frizzy, dry or straw like hair this summer. This is due to heat damage. To combat the heat, try using a leave in conditioner combined with a heat protective spray. This will hold in all that moisture so you don’t have any fly-away strands or frayed ends.

If you are going to blow dry your hair this summer, make sure you do it on a cool setting as opposed to hot. Your beautiful hair is being exposed to hot air everyday and will be for the next few months, so it’s a good idea to give it a break.


Article written by Sydney Walters, Salon Coordinator

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130