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Dima Ali, MD
Which Technology Works Best For Skin Tightening The Evolution of Radio Frequency
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

Which Technology Works Best For Skin Tightening The Evolution of Radio Frequency

Most people will, at some point, feel the need for skin rejuvenation and tightening it's only natural. One thing you will want to know more about is radiofrequency energy.

Lasers and other light devices have become household names in the last several years. With regard to skin tightening, however, these light based technologies do not penetrate deep enough to make a significant difference. Radiofrequency (RF) energy, on the other hand, has come into focus because of its ability to penetrate deeper into the skin and target those tissues needed to affect skin rejuvenation and tightening.

The concept of inducing controlled injury to skin in order to stimulate collagen contraction and healing is not new. Those of us in the field of aesthetic medicine and surgery use it on a daily basis, whether it's a strong chemical peel or an ablative laser device, to rejuvenate skin and improve appearance.

Historically, one of the most popular treatments in the RF category was monopolar (one pole or electrode) to deliver the energy. The most popular of these devices is known as Thermage. Next on the scene were the bipolar RF devices using two poles on the skin area inducing a “less invasive” electric current and thus a more tolerable treatment.

However, both of these technologies deliver a somewhat superficial and uncontrolled energy flow to the targeted tissues. The mechanism of delivery in the first generation RF devices thus required higher energy settings (more pain) to achieve results. In my estimation, when the difference is minimal and the side effects and price tag are high, compliance with treatments (and therefore results) becomes low.

The latest innovation in RF devices allows for much improved penetration of multiple layers of skin with uniform heating and exponentially improved clinical results even after one treatment, in some cases. It accomplishes this by combining multipolar (8 electrodes) with magnetic pulse (MP2) technology. This “synergistic effect” is truly remarkable in that, despite the increased amount of energy to the area being treated there is no need for anesthesia and no downtime. Virtually every area on the body can be tightened the face, neck, arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs and bra bulge.

If you've decided that you'd like to forgo a full face or neck lift for a few years or if you'd like to “prepare” your skin in anticipation of such a procedure down the road, then RF with MP technology is your best bet.

When evaluating such a device, I look at the risk/benefit ratio. I try it out on myself and all my staff. I usually insist on one-sided (unilateral) treatments initially to evaluate the efficacy of the device (although we don't leave anyone lopsided for long.)

When choosing a practitioner you should base your decision on multiple factors, including your own “gut feeling”. Go to a center and talk to a doctor with years of experience, who has performed hundreds if not thousands of aesthetic treatments to learn more about getting the results you deserve.
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