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Mariam Alimi, MSN, FNP, BC
Turn Back the Hands Of Time With Laser Resurfacing
Impressions MediSpa

Turn Back the Hands Of Time With Laser Resurfacing

The antiaging breakthrough of the decade, according to WebMd and many dermatologists, is a skin-resurfacing treatment known as fractional CO2. Combining the effectiveness of traditional carbon dioxide lasers long thought to be the gold standard in wrinkle removal with a new application technique, it delivers powerful results without the traditionally harsh side effects and downtime.

How does the Fractional CO2 Laser work?

The laser vaporizes skin tissue with numerous microscopic laser beams, which create tiny punctures into the skin. The wavelength stimulates the deeper tissue to rejuvenate the skin by promoting microcirculation and new cell genesis.

Traditional carbon dioxide lasers have been the “gold standard” for treating deep fine lines and wrinkles and acne scars. However, in the last 2-3 years there has been a real shift to fractionated lasers because the treatments involve less complications and downtime.

“Essentially, you are getting all the benefits of laser resurfacing, still the best way to remove wrinkles, but you're getting it without the downtime and without the horrendous complication rate,” says David Goldberg, MD, director of Skin Laser and Surgery Specialists of New York and New Jersey and clinical professor of dermatology at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

The most common conditions the Fractional CO2 addresses are

Fine lines and wrinkles of the face

Scars, especially acne scars

Eyelid laxity, lines around the eyes

Pucker marks (smoker's lines) and frown lines

Brown spots and splotchy, uneven skin tone

What will I look like immediately after my treatment?

Patients typically experience swelling and a mild sunburn sensation for about 1-2 hours following the treatment. The first 3-5 days your face will have a red complexion with swelling.

Typically a post-ablative kit is included to speed up healing by exfoliation of the dead skin cells and to enhance results. Mineral makeup can be used typically on day four to help cover any redness.

In conclusion

Due to the heating of dermal collagen during the laser treatment, tightening of skin laxity and improvement of rhytids (fine lines) continue for up to six months.

The results of the treatments can be dramatic and with proper sun protection, effects are thought to last eight to ten years.

Most effects of treatment become visible right away, whereas new collagen formation builds up gradually over time and results in continued smoothing.
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