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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Anka Hellbach Banks
Taking Charge With Color

Taking Charge With Color

How can we take care of ourselves with color? How can color possibly have a beneficial effect on a health condition? Let's take the example of a stiff neck.
The neck is in the blue area of the body, which is also called the blue chakra, the throat chakra or the center of communication. This is the domain where our throat, vocal cords and mouth are located and from where we communicate with the world. For instance, when we hold onto some words to avoid conflict and we know we should or could have said something, our energy field in this case the area of the throat chakra can get jammed, causing tensions which can show up as muscle aches, cramps or a stiff neck on a physical level.
Actually sometimes we are incapable of letting go in our minds for a long time after the event. We get depressed over our failure to speak out. We let our shoulders hang, add more tension to our already tense body and look quite desolate. We are stuck.
To prevent tensions in the shoulder and neck area we can support ourselves with a blue scarf, a blue gemstone or, more effectively, a blue pomander from the Aura-Soma color care system. The blue allows us to be more confident and feel an inner strength that gives us courage to say or write what needed to be said or written in a more peaceful way, thus reducing the cause for jams and tensions in the neck and shoulders.
The advantage of using an Aura-Soma pomander in this case the sapphire blue pomander as opposed to simply using the color blue in form of a scarf or a gemstone, is that the pomander does not only carry the vibrations of the color blue, it also contains the energy of herbs, crystals and gems with corresponding frequencies. The pomander draws on more sophisticated and efficient tools and has a protective, cleansing, refreshing and strengthening effect on us.
Here is how it works we place three drops into the palm of the left hand, rub the hands together and pass them through our energy field in front of the body from the top of the head to the feet and then afterwards inhale deeply. This procedure cleanses our field and protects us from similar shortfalls for several hours.
It is a beautiful and self-empowering way of taking care of ourselves simply by using color.

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