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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Alicia Hilferty, Medical Laser Technician
Sunscreen First Step To Helping Prevent Skin Cancer
Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa

Sunscreen First Step To Helping Prevent Skin Cancer

The sun shines all year long. We are exposed to the damaging rays of it all four seasons.

Prevention of skin cancer and other skin damage occurs by limiting exposure to the sun by protecting yourself from head to toe when you are outside.

This does not only include winter sports, hiking and other outdoor activities, but also driving your car, walking to and from the vehicle, to and from the mailbox, spending time in partial shade and near windows.

Sun reflects off buildings, water, signs, concrete, snow, cars, sidewalks, windows, ice and other surfaces. The sun easily pierces clouds, windows, light cotton/linen hats, shirts, shorts, light slacks and open weave sweaters.

It is a big misconception that darker skin tones are at a lower risk and do not need to apply sun protection. A broad-spectrum sunscreen is needed to protect your skin if you are outdoors or have a tendency for skin cancer.

This not only helps prevent cancer, but also reduces the chance of developing age spots and photo aging, which is associated with fine lines and wrinkles.

When shopping for sunscreen, look for sunscreen that offers full, broad-spectrum, UVB and UVA protection. Keep in mind that sweat and water gradually remove sunscreen and that the ingredients of sunscreen break down after only a few hours.

Sunscreen must be reapplied throughout the day for maximum protection. In the case of make-up, the protection included with it is not effective enough.

Hats, goggles, sunglasses with UVA/UVB protection and gloves are also highly recommended, as is wearing shirts and jackets with collars

or hoods.

Protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun all year and you will be happier and healthier in the short and long run.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130