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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Anita Grimes, Owner
Stubborn Pockets Of Fat? VASERShape Can Help
Slender Spa

Stubborn Pockets Of Fat? VASERShape Can Help

Diet and exercise are effective ways to reduce weight and improve one’s health. However, despite our best efforts, most of us find it difficult to achieve the body that we want with diet and exercise alone. More often than not, we seem to have stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t go away. These “problem areas” require a different approach. 

Some people choose cosmetic surgery to address their trouble spots, but what if you don’t want the risks that come with anesthesia and surgical procedures? You may want to consider one of the non-invasive treatment options available on the market today. VASERShape offers a non-surgical solution that is both safe effective. 

VASERShape technology uses a combination of zonal massage and ultrasound to attack these problem areas. The first step for this procedure uses zonal massage to “activate” the lymph glands. Next, ultrasound is applied to the targeted area, which causes heat to generate in the subcutaneous fat layer of the target area. As the cells are exposed to the ultrasound waves, they begin to oscillate and collide which in turn weakens the cell wall. Fat is then excreted through the cell wall and released into the body where it is safely eliminated through the lymphatic system. The ultrasound portion of the treatment takes approximately 45-50 minutes depending on the time required to heat the desired area to the optimal temperature of 40-43 degrees celsius. 

There are several non-invasive fat reduction treatments on the market, so you should do some research to find the right treatment and provider for you. Some things to consider are price, effectiveness, longevity of results and side effects. 

With VASERShape: 

  • Clients do not experience swelling or inflammation of the treated area
  • The process is relaxing and comfortable
  • There are no negative side effects
  • Most clients see an immediate difference
  • Results look natural
  • Areas of the body that surround the treated area often show signs of improvement as well

So, if you are tired of struggling to get that last bit of fat off of your stomach, love handles or thighs, a non-invasive treatment such as VASERShape may just be the answer.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130