Visage Dermatology and Aesthetic Center
1400 Mercantile Lane
Largo, MD 20774
(301) 773-7546
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Stubborn Fat Get Rid Of It For Good
By now, you are probably inundated with information on how to get rid of fat. You can do this via either invasive procedures (surgery) or by non-surgical methods, which include heating or freezing. Invasive fat removal procedures include liposuction and laser lipolysis (melting fat cells) followed by liposuction. Some patients have undergone consultations, only to learn that they are not candidates for liposuction or that they will need an even more invasive tummy tuck, while others are informed that they are not at all candidates for surgical fat removal. That's okay, because in some cases it may be best for that individual.
Sometimes patients may think they are well enough for cosmetic surgery, but in reality are not. Invasive fat reduction procedures, such as liposuction, typically carry certain surgical risks (as do all surgical procedures). This is why the Donda West Law (inspired by the late mother of Kanye West) was passed, making health checks and a written clearance mandatory before being allowed to undergo cosmetic surgery in the state of California. Invasive procedures are also associated with significant post-treatment recovery downtime, post-treatment pain medications are normally prescribed, and compression garments must be worn for six weeks post treatment and results are not guaranteed. For individulas who prefer not to undergo surgery, or who are unable to commit to social or recovery downtime, there are many non-invasive options.
Cryolipolysis (freezing fat) is a non-surgical method of removing fat. It has been around since 2009 and has gained wide popularity. You may even have seen the “Cool/Not Cool” advertisements. CoolSculpting freezes fat for good. As long as the fat can be pinched, CoolSulpting can be done on the abdomen, love handles, outer and inner thighs, arms, double chin, and back. With CoolSculpting, a suction cup cradles the fat pouch and gently freezes it for 35 minutes without affecting the overlying skin. The fat cells undergo a slow death and the dead fat cells are naturally cleared by your body over a couple of weeks. Results are seen within four weeks, with maximum results at 3-4 months. Only one treatment is normally required to remove 25% of fat cells, but you may sculpt as much as you need.
There is no pain or anesthesia, no incision and usually no bruising. There may be some soreness after the procedure, but many of our clients say that it is less than that experienced with liposuction. There is no downtime as you may return to work, the gym, or caregiving immediately after. A healthy diet and exercise are always recommended, but no rigorous exercise plans or dietary restrictions are required for CoolSculpting. If you've already had liposuction or a tummy tuck or non-invasive procedures before, you may still have CoolSculpting for residual fat. CoolSculpting may also be combined with other procedures to treat stretch marks and tighten loose skin.
So what are you waiting for?
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