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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Tiffanie C. Winfrey, DDS
Smile Inventory
Winfrey Dental Aesthetics
. http://www.winfreydental.com

Smile Inventory

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that includes you. If you're conscious of a smile flaw that diminishes your appeal, cosmetic veneers could be for you. Sculpted by hand and completely natural looking, cosmetic veneers can dramatically improve your smile.

Take This Smile Inventory To Find Out If Veneers Are Right For You

q Are your teeth dull, yellow or stained?

q Do you have teeth that overlap?

q Do you have teeth that are crooked?

q Is the line between you middle teeth off-center with your lips?

q Do your teeth have gaps between them?

q Do your front teeth have fillings that don't match?

q Have silver fillings stained your enamel blue or gray?

q Can you see cracks in your enamel?

q Are your teeth edges rounder or more square than you'd like?

q Are your gums higher on some teeth than others?

q Are your teeth too small and out of proportion?

q Are the biting edges of your teeth chipped or irregular?

q Do you have teeth that are different lengths?

q Do your crowns have mismatched colors?

If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, veneers could be what you've been waiting for.

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