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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Dima Ali, MD
Slim, But Only Where You Want To Be
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

Slim, But Only Where You Want To Be

Many people are focused on how to slim certain parts of their body, especially in areas where they have already tried, unsuccessfully. There are some areas which don't respond to exercise or diet and sometimes these areas are perplexing and frustrating. People with this problem look for solutions, and in today's world, there are many options.

Thankfully, the latest technology for inch loss is available in the Washington, D.C. metro area. One of the latest technologies is called Lipo-Light. This is the very first non-invasive, LED red light body contouring system. It consists of pads that are placed directly on the skin for 20 minutes that emit a specific wavelength of light (635nm) that causes fat cells to essentially “collapse”.

Light Therapy Targets Fat Cells

Light therapy is not new. It's been used for many ailments ranging from chronic pain to wound healing to hair growth. What is new is light being used to target fat cells. After adipose (fat) cells were exposed to a specific wavelength (635nm), 99% of the fat was released from the cells through pores in the cell membrane.

The result, simply put, was a loss in fat and a loss in inches impressive spot reduction on the body including the arms, back, bra bulge, saddlebags, thighs, abdomen, and even the breasts. It can be targeted to any area where there is excessive, unwanted fat deposits.

Slim Shape Tone

Lipo-Light advanced slimming and toning has a positive effect on those areas where body sculpting can prove difficult including the waist, hips, thighs, upper legs and even the arms.

The best part is that there are essentially little to no side effects no bruising, swelling, burning, or pain, and no anesthesia is required.

What happens to the fat?

Once the fat leaves the fat cells, it is transported as free fatty acids to the lymphatic system to be used as energy.

Lipo-Light can deliver effective results in just one treatment. However, sustained results take place when continued LED light therapy is used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.
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