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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Eric Finzi, MD, PhD
Sculpt Natural Curves With Liposuction
Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center

Sculpt Natural Curves With Liposuction

Liposuction, the surgical removal of excess fat, has become the most common form of cosmetic surgery according to the American Academy of Dermatology. This procedure makes it possible for men and women to rid themselves of unwanted excess fat on the neck, face, abdomen, hips, thighs, waist, back and arms.

Since it's introduction in the U.S. in 1987, the tumescent technique has become the standard of care for liposuction because of the improved surgical safety with the elimination of general anesthesia. The tumescent technique virtually eliminates surgical bleeding. It allows the surgery to be accomplished totally by local anesthesia and allows your doctor to sculpt any part of the body.

The Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate for liposuction is someone who is in good general health, exercises moderately, and eats well-balanced meals, but who is unable to reduce fat in certain areas due in most cases to a genetic predisposition. In today's health conscious world, many people are now including liposuction as a part of their overall wellness plan. Medical studies have proven reducing fat in certain body areas can help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol, and other medical conditions. This procedure is not recommended to treat obesity.

About the Procedure

The procedure involves application of a topical cream to numb the skin before injecting large volumes of dilute local anesthetic solution into the area where fat will be removed. The injected solution eliminates the pain and bleeding formerly associated with the procedure while also avoiding the risks and disadvantages of general anesthesia. The local anesthetic lasts for more than 12 hours, minimizing post-operative discomfort.

Once the area(s) are numb, tiny incisions approximately 1/8 inch long are made near the area to be treated. The fat is then suctioned through a cannula, or hollow tube, inserted through the incisions and connected to an aspirator. Since the entire procedure is performed through tiny incisions, the wounds heal by themselves without the need for sutures and practically disappear over time. The use of very small cannulas allows for liposuction with precision and finesse. After dressings and a special garment are applied, you are able to go home, usually within 30 minutes after completing the procedure.

One day after the surgery most patients feel well enough to return to limited normal activities such as driving, shopping and even working. Virtually every patient can return to work at a desk job in a day or two. The elastic compression garments are worn for about one week following the procedure.

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