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H. Michael Rassael, DO
Reverse Or Slow Down the Aging Process
Millennium MediSpa

Reverse Or Slow Down the Aging Process

There are two simple facts about getting older. First aging is inevitable; second, in most cases it can be reversed or slowed down.

There are many options available including cosmetic surgery, such as face/neck lift, facial implants and eyelid surgery. Non-surgical options include Botox, Dermal Fillers or even less invasive microdermabrasion or chemical peels. Other options include laser treatments, which include ablative and non-ablative laser treatment as well as IPL or light photo-rejuvenation treatments.

A facelift allows the facial tissue to be tightened and pulled smooth across the face and neck. Facelifts are generally performed under local anesthesia with an oral or IV sedative. In more extensive cases, general anesthesia is recommended. The surgery involves an incision starting above the hairline at the sides of the forehead, extending down below the ear and around to the back of the hairline. A midline neck lift can be achieved with an incision at the chin. Once the skin is lifted, the facial muscles and tissue are tightened. Liposuction may also be required. Excess skin is then stretched back and cut away. Depending on the type of the lift, the procedure can take anywhere from 2-5 hours and is performed as an outpatient operation in a surgical suite. After surgery, pain is usually minimal and medication is prescribed to help reduce discomfort. For a short time (1-3 weeks) swelling, bruising, and some numbness should be expected. With a normal recovery you can expect to be back to your daily routine, excluding strenuous exercise, within two days to two weeks depending on the type of procedure.

For those who do not desire surgery as an option, non-surgical facelift might be a great solution. There are many different techniques for a non-surgical facelift, most of which are better suited for younger people who are thinking of plastic and cosmetic enhancement for the first time. An important advantage of choosing a non-surgical facelift is the shorter recovery period.

The most popular non-surgical facelift procedure is Botox. More than 5.5 million people underwent a Botox non-surgical facelift procedure in 2011 alone. Botox involves a series of injections that relax the muscles and smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lasts three to six months. It is injected into muscles and used to improve the look of moderate-to-severe frown lines between the brows in people of 18 years old and older for a period of time.

Dermal Filler injections are another type of non-surgical facelift procedure. This technique causes skin to raise the tissues and decrease the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines. The two most popular products are Juvederm and Restylane (both hyaluronic acid products) and last about 6-12 months. Other options are Radiesse, lasting 12 months, and Artefill, a non-resorbable filler. Nearly two million people over 18 years of age used dermal fillers in 2011.

Skin resurfacing techniques such as the chemical peel, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing (ablative and non ablative) are also common types of non-surgical face lift procedures.

The key to achieving the perfect result is to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable cosmetic surgeon in your area. This expert can determine what procedure may be best for you and discuss the risks and benefits associated with surgical or non-surgical face lift procedures.
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