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Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Laser Hair Removal: Tips from Experts
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Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Laser Hair Removal: Tips from Experts

Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Laser Hair Removal: Tips from Experts

Ingrown hairs can be an annoying and often painful side effect of hair removal procedures like waxing, shaving, and even laser hair removal. They occur when the sharp tip of a growing hair curls back into the skin instead of rising above the surface. In severe cases, the end result is inflammation, red bumps, irritation, and even infection.

While laser hair removal provides long-lasting hair reduction, some patients still experience ingrown hairs during and after treatment. This frustrating issue makes them question whether laser is truly effective. The good news is that you can prevent the vast majority of ingrown hairs with proper preparation, care, and maintenance. 

Before Laser Hair Removal

Before undergoing laser hair removal, there are important skin and hair preparation steps to take. How you care for treatment areas one month or one month of pre-procedure can determine the difference between a smooth, successful session and complications afterward.

Stop Using Skincare Products with Strong Ingredients

About one month before your first laser session, stop using skincare products containing ingredients like retinoids (retinol), alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) in the treatment area. These exfoliating agents make your skin more vulnerable to damage from laser energy. Discontinue use until about one month after you complete treatment, when the skin has healed.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Just like with skincare products, the sun’s UVA and UVB rays heighten sensitivity. Protect your skin by covering up, wearing broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen daily, and avoiding extended time outdoors during peak hours. If you show up for laser with sunburn, technicians will turn you away for your safety.

Shave the Treatment Area

Although it seems counterintuitive, shaving before each laser appointment helps prevent ingrown hairs. When you shave, the sharp edge of razors slice through hairs at an angle flush with the skin. In contrast, waxing rips entire follicles out by the root, leaving empty holes behind. The laser works best on an intact foundation.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

On laser days, wear loose-fitting garments made of soft fabrics like cotton. Restrictive jeans, leggings, or synthetic athleticwear can irritate freshly lasered skin. The gentler you are with your body after treatment, the faster it will heal.

During Laser Hair Removal

The day of your actual laser appointment requires vigilance to maximize results. The steps covered in this section provide guidance on what to expect when you arrive at your provider’s office and how to care for your skin during the procedure. Technicians count on patients’ full cooperation to meet hair removal goals.

Follow Your Provider’s Instructions

Every laser technician has different pre- and post-treatment protocols based on their equipment, experience, and clients. Follow their guidelines to the letter for optimal results and avoid complications like ingrown hairs. Ask questions if you need clarification on aftercare.

Stay Still

Laser machines use carefully calibrated settings to target brown and black pigment in hair follicles. Excess movement can throw off aim, resulting in missed spots. Get as comfortable as possible on the treatment table before the technician begins. Remain still until the session finishes.

Wear Protective Eyewear

Your technician provides special glasses to shield your eyes from bright laser light. Keep them on for the entire session, even if you find them uncomfortable. Safety first!

After Laser Hair Removal

Post-treatment habits greatly impact end outcomes from laser hair removal in terms of permanence and side effects. The four tips outlined help avoid complications like ingrown hairs while reinforcing results over the long run.

Avoid Sun Exposure

As mentioned earlier, sunlight interferes with the laser healing process. Continue wearing broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors for one month post-treatment. Try to stay in the shade as much as possible. Schedule laser during the fall and winter months if you can.

Attend Follow-Up Appointments

Most laser hair removal packages include maintenance sessions every four to six weeks after the initial series. Follow this timeline, as ingrown hairs often appear when people wait too long between appointments. Maintenance kills newly activated hair follicles before they become problematic.

Use Gentle Skincare Products

About 24 hours after the laser treatment, gently cleanse the skin with lukewarm water and a fragrance-free cleanser. Then, apply a basic moisturizer like Cetaphil to hydrate the treatment area without irritation. Avoid scrubbing, rubbing, or using exfoliants until the skin fully recovers.

Do Not Wax or Pluck Hair

Under no circumstances should you wax, pluck, or thread hair in between laser sessions. Removing entire hair follicles renders laser ineffective. Stick to shaving if you can no longer stand regrowth. Better yet, refrain from hair removal methods altogether.

Laser Hair Removal Tips

Here are some expert laser hair removal tips to help prevent ingrown hairs after laser hair removal:


Gently exfoliating once a week after treatment can help loosen embedded hairs and bring them to the surface before they get trapped under layers of new skin. Use a soft washcloth, gentle scrub, or chemical exfoliant containing mandelic acid suitable for sensitive skin.


Properly nourishing laser skin accelerates healing and prevents dryness, which causes ingrown hairs. Cleanse and apply a healing ointment like Aquaphor twice daily. For added moisture, supplement with antioxidant and vitamin C serums containing hyaluronic acid.

Avoiding Tight Clothing

Remove anything pressing on or rubbing against the treatment area, such as tight jeans, shapewear, and restrictive bands. Try wearing loose linens and cotton until the area fully recovers. Compression and friction lead to ingrown hairs.

Regular Skin Checks

Get in the habit of visually inspecting lasered skin once a day, especially in commonly impacted areas like the bikini line and underarms. Look for signs of ingrown hairs like red, inflamed bumps. Never dig at skin trying to release the buried hair. Seek professional help instead.

Professional Advice

Consult your technician if ingrown hairs become painful or infected post-laser. They may recommend professional exfoliation treatments like microdermabrasion to open follicles and release trapped hairs. As a last resort, extractions remove problematic hairs.


While laser hair removal effectively reduces unwanted body and facial hair for most people, ingrown hairs remain an annoying possible long-term side effect without proper care. Prepare skin appropriately before and after each session while avoiding secondary hair removal methods. Follow all of your laser technician’s recommendations diligently. Implement tips like gentle exfoliation, hydration, and loose clothing to prevent this frustrating issue. With a concerted effort by both patient and provider, you can enjoy smooth skin and excellent results from laser hair removal without ingrown hairs ruining the experience.

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