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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Syed Amiry, DO
New Face Of Anti-aging Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing
Reston Dermatology & Cosmetic Center
. http://www.restondermatology.com/

New Face Of Anti-aging Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

Do you suffer from acne scarring, uneven skin tone, and brown spots due to sun damage? Fractional Skin Resurfacing Laser, the next generation technology to the original Co2 laser, treats wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, and skin imperfections.

This non-invasive fractional resurfacing laser procedure creates tiny microthermal treatment zones, penetrating deep into the dermis and leaving the surrounding skin unaffected and intact. The treatment allows the skin to heal much faster using the body's natural healing process to create new, healthy, tighter tissue.

The benefits go beyond the immediate visible skin tightening. Apart from the immediate “lifting” effect of the skin, there is a secondary “skin rebirth” effect, which is the production of new collagen over the next 6-12 weeks.

Other benefits include improvements in skin texture and pigmentation. It can even be effective on actinic keratoses (pre-cancerous cells that may be invisible to the naked eye), rendering it an effective way to prevent formation of these cancerous lesions.

The CO2 laser process creates very thin and spaced columns of thermal damage, which penetrate into the dermal skin layer and stimulate new collagen production. The tissue between the columns of thermal damage is spared, resulting in a faster healing process.

Hi-Scan DOT also allows a superficial laser peel to be achieved with just a few passes. The main advantage is the minimal healing time that enables patients to get back to their normal life soon (downtime is usually about three to five days).

Most procedures can be performed with less anaesthetic, resulting in minimal post-operative discomfort, pain, or swelling. This new procedure is safe and effective and results in minimal downtime, so why not treat yourself to a whole new you.

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