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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Lakita Conley-Ware, PhD
Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care: A Gender Neutral Solution
Integrative Health Care

Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care: A Gender Neutral Solution

Starting in our 20’s our skin begins to change due to the impact of the environment and aging. However, any person, male or female, can change the direction of this aging process by using an all-natural regimen created for anti-aging and hydration. The science of Youth Complex® provides a patented natural set of ingredients designed specifically for health and beauty skin care. These ingredients include:

  • Muscadine grapes to repair skin cellular DNA and also block collagen and elastin breakdown, both natural components that tend to decrease with skin age.
  • Lotus japonicus to activate a primary youth protein, which regenerates cells to produce more collagen and elastin.
  • Apple stem cell extract to assist in accelerating skin cell renewal, which provides a youthful appearance to the skin.
  • Schisandra chinensis extract for skin nutrients and energy to the skin

The patented YOUTH® component is used to accelerate skin cell renewal to achieve the youthful looking skin you have been aiming for. For information on this anti-aging line to look younger, longer reach out to a health professional that can help you today.
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