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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Dima Ali, MD
Latest Non-Invasive Aesthetic Breakthroughs
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

Latest Non-Invasive Aesthetic Breakthroughs

Two of the latest cosmetic technologies available to the Washington D.C. metro area are the LipoLight and Venus Freeze. The LipoLight is the very first non-invasive, LED red light body contouring system. It consists of pads that are placed directly on the skin for 20 minutes that emit a specific wavelength of light (635nm) that causes fat cells to essentially “collapse”. The Venus Freeze is a multipolar radiofrequency and magnetic pulsing device that stimulates the production of collagen by simultaneous thermal and non-thermal mechanisms.

Light therapy is not new. It's been used for many ailments ranging from chronic pain to wound healing to hair growth. What is new is light being used to target fat cells. After adipose cells were exposed to a specific wavelength (635nm), 99% of the fat was released from the cells through pores in the cell membrane.

The result, simply put, was a loss in inches impressive spot reduction on the body including the arms, back, bra bulge, saddlebags, thighs, abdomen, and even the breasts. It targeted anywhere there was excessive, unwanted fat deposits.

The best part about the LipoLight is there is no bruising, swelling, burning, pain or anesthesia required essentially little to no side effects. So what happens to the fat? Once the fat leaves the fat cells, it is transported as free fatty acids to the lymphatic system to be used as energy.

Likewise, radiofrequency is not new. However, the Venus Freeze has both captured that technology and combined it synergistically with magnetic pulsing to deliver a pain free way to redefine the jaw line, improve skin laxity, tighten the skin under the arms, and even improve the appearance of cellulite considerably.

Visible results appear immediately and will improve over time. The best part is there is no pain and no downtime. In fact our patients describe it as being as “pleasurable as a hot stone massage.”

Both of these non-invasive technologies have excellent patient outcomes and are great ways to stay looking young naturally. Sounds too good to be true?

Well-using a neurotoxin to get rid of wrinkles was a bit far-fetched over 10 years ago, and now it's everywhere, referring to Botox, of course.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130